Here’s a very informative article from WIRED magazine that discusses the science behind playing wind instruments and transmission of the Coronavirus.

WIRED Article

The article discusses some of the risks involved with playing wind instruments during the COVID-19 crisis. It is definitely worth checking out. Thanks to member Shelley Hanson for forwarding it for inclusion here.

Additional Background: A study in Berlin found that blowing a wind instrument did not push a large volume of air though the atmosphere of a hall. However, that study (which has since been taken down from the internet) was flawed, as it did not take into account aerosols that may contain the virus, room ventilation, breathing of musicians, talking, and breathing/talking of audience members. This WIRED article discusses how it all relates.

People have also suggested that, especially in a pit, musicians are at high risk of infection because air from the hall, which could be full of virus-laden aerosols, typically falls into the pit, causing risk to musicians. Also, breathing and talking during rehearsal, performance, etc., causes air movement that could also spread the virus from musician to musician.