Local 30-73 members turn up everywhere!
Here’s what a few of them have been up to.

Images from
Jan-Mar 2020 Duet

Voila-Violas! Helping the residents at Arbor Lakes Senior Living get into the holiday spirit with their annual Christmas Concert were Kelsey Farr, Matthew Mindemann, and Ashley Ng. (Photobombed by creepy animatronic Santa.)

Behold, the Horns! Taking advantage of the dramatic set decorations for the MN Opera’s production of Elektra at the Ordway last October, the horn section posed for an epic group shot.
Pictured above, L-R: Jenna McBride-Harris, Tim Bradley, Chuck Hodgson, Allison Akins Alexander, and Mike Alexander.

Hosanna in the Highest In the foreground, the trumpet section for the Hosanna Lutheran Church Christmas program: Brad Shermock, Marty Hodel, and Dan Fretland (mit flugelhorns!). Behind them, trombonist John Tranter – studying his music or pondering some of his life choices? At any rate, these fellows clean up pretty nice — white ties and all!

My Kind of Tones “The hardest working ‘pit’ band in show business” made Theater Latte Da’s production of Chicago, which ran Sep. 18 through Nov. 17, a memorable one.
Pictured above, L-R: Wade Clark, Mark Henderson, Denise Prosek, Elaine Burt, and Steve Grisdale.

Stay Merry, Stay Bright Rehearsing for one of Orchestra Hall’s popular holiday offerings, “Merry and Bright,” back for a third season. Minnesota Orchestra trumpeter Chuck Lazarus led a 13-piece ensemble, plus singers Bruce A. Henry, Tonia Hughes, and Cameron Kinghorn, in a lively contemporary take on holiday tunes.
Pictured above, L-R: Tommy Barbarella (back to camera), Jeff Bailey, David Schmalenberger, Daryl Boudreaux, and Chuck Lazarus.

Feel the beat of the rhythm of the “Bright” “Merry and Bright” rhythm section fine tuning one of the arrangements.
Pictured above, L-R: Jeff Bailey, David Schmalenberger, and Daryl Boudreaux. (In the background: trumpeters Doug Carlsen, Brad Shermock, Geoff Senn, and trombonist Doug Wright rest their chops for a minute.)

Red Hot! Trumpeter Steve Wagner, putting his best foot forward as he warms up backstage at Crooners before a show with Andrew Walesch in this interesting red-lit shot captured by lead trumpeter Mark Bobnick.

Music of the Night (and the Matinee as well…) The Phantom of the Opera National Tour stopped at the Orpheum Theater November 22-December 1. Local 30-73 members (numbered), L-R: Susan Janda (1), Rebecca Arons, contractor (2), Charlie Block (3), Kenni Holmen (4), Maisie Block (5), Jill Olson Moser (6), Catherine Ramirez (7), Matt Bertrand (8), Paul Schimming (9), Neal Bolter (10). Unnumbered people are musicians traveling with the production.

Milling About These four musicians from the Elektra Orchestra also happen to comprise the Mill City String Quartet. L-R: Valerie Little, Ruth Marshall, Huldah Niles, and Erika Hoogeveen.
Raising Cane Minnesota Orchestra bassoonists Kai Rocke (Rosemary and David Good Fellow for 2019-2021) and Norbert Nielubowski having an impromptu reed-making clinic backstage at Orchestra Hall.

Musical Outreach Members Tom Ashworth (trombone and euphonium) and Marissa Benedict (trumpet), comprising the U of M Brass Duo, have been visiting area schools and working with band students. The visits include a performance by Tom and Marissa, brass sectionals and coaching sessions, Q and A on topics such as preparing for college auditions and pursuing a career in music, and an interactive presentation on basic improvisation. Tom has been a longtime Professor of Trombone at the U of M, where he also directs the Trombone Choir. Marissa just joined the U of M music faculty this past August as Assistant Professor of Trumpet, after a distinguished performing career in Los Angeles, where she specialized in symphonic and studio work (she can be heard on many major film soundtracks).
Pictured at top left: Interactive presentation with students at East Ridge.
Pictured at bottom left: Tom and Marissa with East Ridge band director Brent Comeau.
If you are a music educator interested in having the U of M Brass Duo come to your school, contact Tom Ashworth at ashwo001@umn.edu or Marissa Benedict at marissab@umn.edu.

All About That Bass Bernie Edstrom contracted the local orchestra for the Amy Grant & Michael W. Smith Christmas Concert at Target Center on December 6. Pictured is the mighty bass section, L-R: Cassidy Morgan, Jennifer Rubin, Carl Osterhouse, and Rahn Yanes. No treble!
Send us your Gig Pictures! We love to share musical happenings involving our union members! If you’d like to appear in these pages, please send us pictures of your memorable performances, educational events, or even just pictures of musicians having fun. Send to the office at tcmu@comcast.net. Thanks!